The Best Things in Life Are Free

One Hundred Famous Views of Economies

GIRL: My time is monetized - my attention is monetized GRRRL: What CAN’T be monetized? / GIRL: What are you allowed to GIVE - but not SELL? / GRRRL: Kidneys - livers - and sex. GIRL: Why do THOSE offend us / GRRRL: You shouldn’t need MONEY to get GIRL: when someone being hungry does not. / GRRRL: Kidneys - livers - and sex. GIRL: When someone with no place to live / GRRRL: If you start paying people for GIRL: does not. / GRRRL: Kidneys - livers - or sex GIRL: Whose social mores ARE these? / GRRRL: They’ll just spend all their money GIRL: And WHY / GRRRL: on food and housing

One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. Growing up I ate two to three meals a day across from a poster of Sudden Shower over Shin-Ōhashi Bridge and Atake. Sometimes it feels more like family than family does.